#37 脊椎病篇|腰椎狹窄之鑑別診斷和治療

20210711 143054
#腰椎病鑑別診斷教學 (很重要)。


@Prashanth kumar at hidu rao sopsital delhi, disc prolapase slide presentation, Dec 12, 2016,


@無法坐,無法站,無法走,疼痛指數10分,走路一小段腳就無力 (neurologic cladudication)


@Disk extrusion disease at the L4/5 level causes moderate to severe left articular stenosis with left L5 root compression (left L4/5 foraminal stenosis)
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@Back tenderness
@Extension worse
@Left SLRT +
@Waling neurogenic claudication


@Disc herniation
@Spinal stenosis, L4/5 lateral type


@基礎治療: 三週,鬆解肌肉沾黏和痙攣處。以伸展為主,目的止痛。
@鞏固治療: 三週,增生療法為主。以訓練肌群為主,目的訓練核心肌群。
@維持治療: 每一至兩個月回診,修整肌群。


@如此又過了三週,病患疼痛以減輕大半,疼痛指數至少下降6-7分 (VAS socre 8 to 1-2)。
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@Disc herniation: leg pain greater then back pain, SLRT+, Neurological deficit present
@Annular tears: Back pain then leg pain, Bilateral SLRT +
@Facet joint arthropathy: local tenderness unilaterally over joint, pain occur immediately on spinal extension, pain exacerbated with ipsillateal side bending
@Spinal stenosis (central type)i: heaviness (no pain) develops after walks a limited distance, Flexion relieves symptoms, no neurological deficit, SLRT-,
@Spinal stenosis (lateral type): leg pain predominated SLRT+.
@Myogenic or muscle related: pain localized to affected muscle, pain increase on prolonged muscle use, pain reproduced with sustained muscle contraction against resistance, Contralateral pain with side bending.
@Back pain明顯: discogenic, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, facet joint athropathy, spinal stensosis (central type)
@Leg pain明顯: Disc herniation, spinal stenosis (foraminal type)
@Flexion worse: Discogenic, Disc hernieation
@Extension worse: spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, facet joint arthropathy, Spinal stensosis (central and foramniall type)
@Lateral extension worse: facet joint arthropathy


@針刀治療不是萬能,也算是保守治療 ; 若無效,還是要考慮外科治療。
針刀疼痛治療學思路 作者/蔡德祥 出版社/台北市中醫師公會
#小針刀 #運動傷害 #疼痛治療